Platinum Sponsorship - $1,000
Your Platinum Sponsorship includes:
-Logo featured on Sonntag School Calendar Magnets
-Large Logo featured on 500+ student and staff shirts - worn to field trips & school events
-Large logo on the Sponsors Banner to be hung in the school for each PTA Event (August ‘24 - May ‘25)
-Logo placement on the Sonntag PTA website by sponsorship level
-Recognition on all PTA emails/flyers
-On-site activation opportunities (VIP Booth at our Annual Carnival & one other event)
-Customized Instagram & Facebook post on our Sonntag PTA Social Media pages highlighting your business and sponsorship contribution (shared bi-annually)
-Addition to our “Sponsors” highlight bubble on Instagram
-PTA Membership for 2 Executive Leaders + listing at the top of the Sonntag PTA Business Directory