
The PTA helps our school purchase technology, programs and materials that are not in their budget. This year we are raising money to provide spirit swag for the entire student body, in-class STEM resources, and library updates. The PTA also funds all teacher appreciation days/luncheons, programs for our students and family fun events!

How it's done...

Teachers, families and local businesses work together to accomplish these goals by:


  • Supporting the companies that participate in our Business Sponsorship Program
  • Eating out on Spirit Nights (Restaurant nights)
  • Buying Yard Signs, Decals, Magnets, Cup Stickers, etc...See QR code below.  
  • Donating online
  • Saving and bringing in Box Tops for Education
  • Shopping at certain local and national retailers



Now Accepting Business Sponsor Applications

From now until August 1st we are accepting Business Sponsor Applications from local companies that would like their logo on our School Spirit Shirts, Magnetic School Calendars, and our Sponsor Banner.


For more info please email


Sonntag Business Sponsorship Swag Items






Thanks for all you do to make our school great!